seth knievel

Seth Knievel is an artist, archivist, and activist. As a current Ph.D. and MLIS student at Louisiana State University, Knievel is interested in how scholars can use performance to discover and amplify LGBTQ history. Knievel researches vintage photography that depicts LGBTQ couples from antique stores, online auctions, and estate sales. The photos are researched using genealogical methods, eventually contacting the living relatives of the subjects in the photos for more information and some queer worldmaking. Knievel currently teaches as adjunct faculty in Communication Studies at UNT.


Knievel writes and directs original productions about LGBTQ life and history. As a student at the University of North Texas, Knievel directed Momento Homo, a fictional story about J. Edgar Hoover’s sexuality and his oppression of marginalized communities. While securing his MA at Syracuse University, Knievel produced Fatal Pride, a queer adaptation of Moby Dick set on the gay strip in NYC. Recently, at LSU, Knievel directed Yearning, a sapphic adaptation of The Great Gatsby set in New Orleans featuring a lesbian Gatsby.


Committed to LGBTQ history and activism, Knievel regularly volunteers with LGBTQ non-profits around the South. Knievel has worked with the Invisible Histories Project, giving invited lectures and contributing his own curations to their exhibitions. In Dallas, Knievel volunteers as the Oral History Intern, interviewing prominent LGBTQ figures in Dallas history. Knievel has upcoming exhibitions in Carrollton and Irving.